Defensive Security

Protect what's most important online

At Nueva, we understand the importance of defensive security measures in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape.
Defensive security is the practice of implementing proactive measures to prevent or minimise the impact of cyber attacks. At Nueva, we employ a variety of
defensive security techniques to protect our clients’ networks, systems, and data. Learn more below.

Our mission at Nueva Solutions is to create a safer digital environment by providing innovative and customised cybersecurity solutions to our clients. We are committed to staying ahead of the constantly evolving cybersecurity threats and challenges to ensure our clients; information and assets are protected. With a strong focus on customer centricity, teamwork, and ethics, we strive to build trust with our clients and establish long-lasting relationships. Our goal is to simplify cybersecurity and deliver exceptional service and support to create a safer digital world for everyone.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Get in the know with common questions around Defensive security below.

 Nueva’s defensive security services include network security, endpoint protection, intrusion detection systems (IDS), firewalls, anti-malware, and data encryption. We provide a multi-layered security approach to protect your data, networks, and systems from potential cyber attacks.

We use state-of-the-art security technologies and keep ourselves updated with the latest trends and threats in cybersecurity. Regular audits, timely updates, and continuous monitoring ensure that our defensive security measures are efficient and reliable.

Our services will protect your business from potential cyber threats, minimise the potential impact of cyber attacks, ensure business continuity, and help maintain the trust and confidence of your customers by protecting their data.

Yes, Nueva offers customisable firewalls that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Whether you require advanced filtering options, integration with other security systems, or the ability to handle high volumes of traffic, our team can design and implement a firewall solution that meets your requirements.

Nueva’s anti-malware software works by continuously monitoring your systems for signs of malicious activity. It uses advanced detection algorithms to identify known and emerging malware threats. Once a threat is detected, the software isolates it to prevent it from spreading, then removes it from your system.

Nueva uses a variety of data encryption methods to protect your sensitive information. These include symmetric encryption methods like AES for fast, efficient encryption, and asymmetric methods like RSA for secure key exchange. We also use protocols like SSL/TLS for secure communication over the internet.

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