Offensive Security

Protect what's most important online

At Nueva, we understand the importance of defensive security measures in today’s ever-evolving threat landscape.
Defensive security is the practice of implementing proactive measures to prevent or minimise the impact of cyber attacks. At Nueva, we employ a variety of
defensive security techniques to protect our clients’ networks, systems, and data. Learn more below.

Our mission at Nueva Solutions is to create a safer digital environment by providing innovative and customised cybersecurity solutions to our clients. We are committed to staying ahead of the constantly evolving cybersecurity threats and challenges to ensure our clients; information and assets are protected. With a strong focus on customer centricity, teamwork, and ethics, we strive to build trust with our clients and establish long-lasting relationships. Our goal is to simplify cybersecurity and deliver exceptional service and support to create a safer digital world for everyone.

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Offensive security, also known as ethical hacking, involves proactively seeking vulnerabilities in your system before attackers do. At Nueva, our team of certified ethical hackers simulate real-world attacks on your systems, identify weak points, and provide recommendations to improve your security posture.

Nueva conducts a range of tests including penetration testing, web application security testing, mobile application security testing, and social engineering testing. Our goal is to discover vulnerabilities from all possible angles.

Offensive security helps you stay one step ahead of cyber criminals. By proactively identifying vulnerabilities, you can fix them before they’re exploited, protecting your business from costly breaches and ensuring the security of your data.

Offensive security can help prevent a wide range of threats, including malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and more. By proactively searching for vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors, we can identify and address these threats before they can be exploited.

Nueva uses a variety of tools and methodologies to assess the severity of detected vulnerabilities. This includes analysing the potential impact of the vulnerability, the complexity of exploiting it, and whether or not it can be exploited remotely. We then prioritise the vulnerabilities based on their severity to ensure the most critical issues are addressed first.

Every industry can benefit from Nueva’s offensive security services. Whether you’re in healthcare, finance, retail, or any other sector, our services can help protect your organisation from cyber threats. We tailor our offensive security strategies to the specific needs and challenges of your industry.

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